Graduated from Air Force Basic Training in Lackland AFB, Texas
Completed Aerospace Medical Training in Wright-Paterson AFB, Ohio
Supervised Fitness Training in JB Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska
Career/Athletic Achievements
Varsity Soccer Player
Collegiate Athlete
Five Years in the United States Air Force
NASM Personal Trainer (In progress)
Group Training (In progress)
Weight Loss and Body Recomposition
Strength and Conditioning
Pre and post Rehabilitation
Muscle Gain
Spending time with friends and family
Golfing when I get the chance
Enjoying the outdoors
Working out
Playing soccer as much as I can.
I believe maintaining health and fitness is important for overall well-being as well as making it enjoyable and rewarding. It allows you to engage in the activities you are passionate about and achieve the goals you want in life. It’s important to push yourself, setting and striving for challenging yet achievable goals to keep progressing. By making health and fitness enjoyable and consistently pushing your limits, you’ll achieve lasting results.